Organ Donation


This section’s content is intended primarily for health professionals and managers and administrators of healthcare institutions and social services agencies delivering general and specialized care (critical and emergency care). Transplant Québec shall not be held accountable for any interpretation of this content by a non-specialist reader.


This section was developed for health professionals seeking specific information on the organ donation process. It was drafted in keeping with the standard organ donation procedure (Procédure type pour le don d’organes) published by Quebec’s association of health and social services institutions (Association québécoise d’établissements de santé et de services sociaux (AQESSS)) in April 2012, and was developed under the guidance of Transplant Québec in conjunction with the province’s association of medical, dental and pharmacist councils (Association des conseils des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens du Québec (ACMDP)), AQESSS and other healthcare industry stakeholders.

Standard organ donation procedure

This procedure was developed to:

  • Support directors of professional services in carrying out organ donation at their institution
  • Support professionals who play a role in the organ donation and transplantation chain—ICU, ER, surgery department, etc.
  • Promote organ donation activities at institutions by fostering improved identification and more systematic referrals of potential organ donors

Standardized Organ Donation Procedure, with a liaison / resource assigned nurse
Entire document (French version only)

Standardized Organ Donation Procedure, without a liaison / resource assigned nurse
Entire document (French version only)


Organ donation saves lives

Transplants are an effective, medically recognized treatment for patients with end-stage organ failure.

The standard organ donation procedure aligns perfectly with the provisions of article 204.1 of An Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services (RSQ, c S-4.2):

204.1. When informed of the imminent or recent death of a potential organ or tissue donor, the director of
professional services of an institution operating a general and specialized hospital shall diligently

1. Verify, with one of the organizations that coordinate organ or tissue donations and are designated by the Minister under section 2.0.11 of the Act respecting the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (chapter R-5), whether the potential donor’s consent for the post-mortem removal of organs or tissues is recorded in the consent registries established by the Ordre professionnel des notaires du Québec and the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec, in order to determine the donor’s last wishes expressed in this regard in accordance with the Civil Code; and

2. End to such an organization, if the consent has been given, any necessary medical information concerning the potential donor and the organs or tissues that may be removed.

The director of professional services is informed of the imminent or recent death of a potential organ or tissue donor in accordance with the procedure established by the institution.


This article obligates the director of professional services of an institution operating a general and specialized hospital to diligently refer all potential organ and tissue donors to Transplant Québec and to Héma-Québec so that they can verify whether or not the patient’s name appears in Quebec’s two official consent registries.