Referral / Coroner

Referral of a potential organ donor

The referral of a potential donor must be carried out as promptly as possible after identification. It should be done by a member of the treatment team or, depending on the institution, by the organ and tissue donation liaison/resource nurse.

For health centres with no dedicated personnel (organ and tissue liaison/resource nurses), the potential donor is referred directly to Transplant Québec.




For health centres with dedicated personnel, the referral can be made by the institution’s organ and tissue liaison/resource nurse.




In cases where the circumstances surrounding the death require the coroner’s opinion (mysterious or violent cause of death or circumstances), the attending physician must contact the coroner to obtain his or her permission for an organ or tissue donation. Coroners do not typically oppose donations, but may impose certain conditions to enable them to complete their investigation. For more information, refer to the notice published in April 2006 by AQESSS entitled Avis juridique: les exigences reliées à la détermination de la mort (*French version only).

For more information about coroners, visit: